[MAGAZINE/INTERVIEW/TRANSLATION] 1st Look "theSISTER, Jessica&Krystal" vol. 70
Article Source: magazine.firstlook.co.kr/archives/star/thesister
Translation: jekret.co.nr
The flight departure was at 7 o' clock. Departing from Incheon to New York. It was a boring 13-hour flight. From a palm-sized screen, Joaquin Phoenix's eyebrows was seen to wave without stopping. It was of communicating with an artificial intelligence program, gaining sympathy after that, and then indulge in love, separation, and longing; this isn't a typical love story. This just seems to be an unconfirmed love. In real life, we have no idea if such dependence and love exist. Is this even possible? I curled up in my cramped seat in the economy cabin, arranging words of love, separation, dating, sympathy, communication, misunderstandings, reliance and other similar words; unknowingly, I fell asleep.
A headache close to bursting, the airplane finally arrived at New York. At the side of the checkpoint at John F. Kennedy International Airport, I met Jessica and Krystal. Totally forgetting the fact of curling up on the 13-hour flight, they were like the carbonate in cold can drinks, jumping around. The workers at the checkpoint thought Jessica and Krystal were twins and were doubtful, but this made the girls to smile cheerfully. Very easygoing and in a good mood, their laughter were as refreshing as putting ice cubes into a glass and collide. Hovering between women and girls, lively and sincere, looking at them, I was suddenly reminded of Joaquin Pheonix's eyebrows. That was the excitement and curiosity towards an unreachable existence. It seemed to be like this.
The blows of the cool and refreshing air in Central Park came and past, it was morning not long after. Jessica with a voice higher one octave, and twinkling eyelashes, as if a slight bend would break her wrists, exaggeratedly a fairy tale-like body came over, greeting us in reality. We decided to take the first shot at our Soho in Prince Street. In front of a traffic signage, Jessica wearing a floral print dress and Krystal wearing skin colored blouse and shorts were standing shoulder to shoulder. Ranging from frustrated expressions to big smiles, a variety of facial expressions, arms and legs kept shifting continuously. They were like models close to perfection specifically for shooting. These petite ladies with their delicate movements, how many girls will thump their hearts to burst, and how many boys will be unable to sleep due to this?
How does it feel to be an idol?
K: Hard to say, just like how everything has two sides to it, it brings two types of lives; it's interesting yet at times it's tough. Up till now I don't get the reality of my career, I'm also not quite sure what does being an idol means to me. However, the idol on stage is Krystal, other than on stage I'm Jung Soojung. Of course, it is impossible to clearly differentiate. In front of the camera right now, is Krystal; at the same time, I'm Jung Soojung together with my sister.
Debuting when you were a girl, you have become a lady now. Although looking like a lady, what kind of lady are you? Unexpectedly you're an independent lady.
J: Lady! That's right. I've become a lady now. But I'm still trying to sink in and accept it. I want to grow more, and in becoming what sort of person, I want to gain more self-confidence. It is still quite difficult for me to build up on "What kind of lady am I". Still, I always wanted to be a straightforward and upright lady. To become straightforward, it requires courage and confidence. Consequently, I will gradually be upright.
When you said you eating pizza doesn't matter, I was actually very surprised. I thought you won't eat this kind of food like pizza.
J: I like to eat. I must get to eat what I want to eat. Of course, I think every meal is very important, but I won't choose times to eat. Certainly, I also exercise continuously, I put in a lot of effort in it.
In fact, I was stunned by your beauty. You're still able to maintain such figure and skin despite eating pizza.
J: Even though there are people who were born this way, it was mostly effort in my case. Have to drink a lot of water, and also constant exercise. To have a happy life, a positive mind is also required. Special slimming techniques and exercises are good, but an ease and positive mindset will help a lot.
Putting it this way, Krystal's angry expressions were also pure, very elegant, and of much charisma. Despite having said not wanting to act being pretty, but the cute expressions were nicely put on.
K: I won't put in effort to act pretty or act cute. I don't like to specifically create a kind of image. Without filtering, my expressions will be more relaxed. Maybe I have angry expressions and charismatic expressions because of this. Pure and elegant images might have been coming from my own emotions. Without any pretense, directly displaying expressions with my older sister, I also like to be a bit more straightforward.
In that case, being in front of many cameras without even blinking is a genetic inheritance or is it the results of putting effort into it?
K: Um, it isn't any of the two. It's just me thinking it's fine, my eyes doesn't hurt too, nor do I feel uncomfortable, so I don't blink.
The shooting proceeded. From Soho to Brooklyn. Jessica, wearing a cute mini skirt with Krystal, wearing a chic satin suit were holding on to each other and whispering. Tucking hair fallen from the side, and when checking the color of their lips, the girls were looking at each other many times.
Not only your private life, but also your family life all have to be revealed to the public eye, what does it mean to you?
J: I'm enjoying it. Not everyone has a chance like this, right? Being able to reveal my true self along with my younger sister on a program (Jessica & Krystal) that everyone is able to watch, I think it's lucky and a blessing for me.We, too, doesn't know how we're like, what difference are there when we're together, what similarity are there when we are separated, we're able to see them through this program. Besides, Soojung is a dependable younger sister who I can rely on. We share everything in life, even understanding without speaking out, because of this, I'm even more glad.
K: When I'm with my older sister, I felt happy and comfortable to be able to directly expose myself. Even though I never thought of having the chance to have a same working life as my older sister, but being able to work together leaves many kinds of photos and videos behind, I think those will be good memories in the future. Even so, if I accidentally made mistakes or did something wrong and affects my older sister, thinking it like this, I don't dare to only think of it as a convenience.
What influences has Jessica on Krystal?
K: My older sister is really firm. It's like she's always full of confidence. I think she can be described as being gentle and resolute at the same time. What I really wanted to learn is that firm aspect. I'm always learning, and also being affected by her. On the contrary, I often felt that I'm a younger sister of not much use to my older sister. My older sister is my life's ultimate target. During schooling times, trainee times, after debut, no matter when, my older sister is always guiding me. I felt that thanks to my older sister, we are only able to appear here together now.
What kind of younger sister is Krystal for Jessica?
J: A very dependable younger sister. Soojung has a very matured side of her, and also a side as pure as a child. When I'm distressed and lonely, or upset, she can be relied on, which comforts me. Although I'm always taking care of Soojung, there are actually a lot of cases when it's opposite too. Even though I wanted to be an older sister like a friend, but Soojung gradually becomes my guardian. Without Soojung, just thinking of it in reality makes me feel difficult and sad. I don't want to seriously think about it.
Without special thanks nor especially difficult circumstances, so in the moment of a typical and normal day, they also asked for each other's opinion. During lunchtime, drinking time, strolling time, and also breaks between shooting. Between the sound of the shutters were words spoken by Jessica to Krystal and Krystal's responses. Dull and solely, it was similar to the rhythms of commas and exclamation marks in a conversation, just as normal as asking, "Have you eaten?", yet being able to grasp the feeling of their concern and care towards each other's life. So friendship and kinship, loyalty, and love; these phrases are unable to describe the infinite emotions in them. Even by not saying "I love you", the affection can also be felt, as if the sudden realization of myself breathing.
After Jessica and Krystal's shooting ended, on the way back, we discovered it. Looking at the silhouettes of the ports, mouths chewing on their ice creams, tension between their eyebrows, and the looks of lifting their legs while touching their mobile phones during resting time; all of these moments and their tones as well as expressions from after opening their mouths; even if they aren't habitual, we could still easily pick out the identical parts between them. All of these similarities aren't on their expressions or faces, nor were they on their legs or fingers. It could be felt in the existing space between them. Besides, unseen until now, the world's most beautiful, as resemblance as twins, the lovely sisters who actually miss each other despite being together. Krystal opened her small mouth and said, "I don't envy any other people, I like my older sister the most."
Cr. 饱猫007
Translation: jekret.co.nr
The flight departure was at 7 o' clock. Departing from Incheon to New York. It was a boring 13-hour flight. From a palm-sized screen, Joaquin Phoenix's eyebrows was seen to wave without stopping. It was of communicating with an artificial intelligence program, gaining sympathy after that, and then indulge in love, separation, and longing; this isn't a typical love story. This just seems to be an unconfirmed love. In real life, we have no idea if such dependence and love exist. Is this even possible? I curled up in my cramped seat in the economy cabin, arranging words of love, separation, dating, sympathy, communication, misunderstandings, reliance and other similar words; unknowingly, I fell asleep.
A headache close to bursting, the airplane finally arrived at New York. At the side of the checkpoint at John F. Kennedy International Airport, I met Jessica and Krystal. Totally forgetting the fact of curling up on the 13-hour flight, they were like the carbonate in cold can drinks, jumping around. The workers at the checkpoint thought Jessica and Krystal were twins and were doubtful, but this made the girls to smile cheerfully. Very easygoing and in a good mood, their laughter were as refreshing as putting ice cubes into a glass and collide. Hovering between women and girls, lively and sincere, looking at them, I was suddenly reminded of Joaquin Pheonix's eyebrows. That was the excitement and curiosity towards an unreachable existence. It seemed to be like this.
The blows of the cool and refreshing air in Central Park came and past, it was morning not long after. Jessica with a voice higher one octave, and twinkling eyelashes, as if a slight bend would break her wrists, exaggeratedly a fairy tale-like body came over, greeting us in reality. We decided to take the first shot at our Soho in Prince Street. In front of a traffic signage, Jessica wearing a floral print dress and Krystal wearing skin colored blouse and shorts were standing shoulder to shoulder. Ranging from frustrated expressions to big smiles, a variety of facial expressions, arms and legs kept shifting continuously. They were like models close to perfection specifically for shooting. These petite ladies with their delicate movements, how many girls will thump their hearts to burst, and how many boys will be unable to sleep due to this?
How does it feel to be an idol?
K: Hard to say, just like how everything has two sides to it, it brings two types of lives; it's interesting yet at times it's tough. Up till now I don't get the reality of my career, I'm also not quite sure what does being an idol means to me. However, the idol on stage is Krystal, other than on stage I'm Jung Soojung. Of course, it is impossible to clearly differentiate. In front of the camera right now, is Krystal; at the same time, I'm Jung Soojung together with my sister.
Debuting when you were a girl, you have become a lady now. Although looking like a lady, what kind of lady are you? Unexpectedly you're an independent lady.
J: Lady! That's right. I've become a lady now. But I'm still trying to sink in and accept it. I want to grow more, and in becoming what sort of person, I want to gain more self-confidence. It is still quite difficult for me to build up on "What kind of lady am I". Still, I always wanted to be a straightforward and upright lady. To become straightforward, it requires courage and confidence. Consequently, I will gradually be upright.
When you said you eating pizza doesn't matter, I was actually very surprised. I thought you won't eat this kind of food like pizza.
J: I like to eat. I must get to eat what I want to eat. Of course, I think every meal is very important, but I won't choose times to eat. Certainly, I also exercise continuously, I put in a lot of effort in it.
In fact, I was stunned by your beauty. You're still able to maintain such figure and skin despite eating pizza.
J: Even though there are people who were born this way, it was mostly effort in my case. Have to drink a lot of water, and also constant exercise. To have a happy life, a positive mind is also required. Special slimming techniques and exercises are good, but an ease and positive mindset will help a lot.
Putting it this way, Krystal's angry expressions were also pure, very elegant, and of much charisma. Despite having said not wanting to act being pretty, but the cute expressions were nicely put on.
K: I won't put in effort to act pretty or act cute. I don't like to specifically create a kind of image. Without filtering, my expressions will be more relaxed. Maybe I have angry expressions and charismatic expressions because of this. Pure and elegant images might have been coming from my own emotions. Without any pretense, directly displaying expressions with my older sister, I also like to be a bit more straightforward.
In that case, being in front of many cameras without even blinking is a genetic inheritance or is it the results of putting effort into it?
K: Um, it isn't any of the two. It's just me thinking it's fine, my eyes doesn't hurt too, nor do I feel uncomfortable, so I don't blink.
The shooting proceeded. From Soho to Brooklyn. Jessica, wearing a cute mini skirt with Krystal, wearing a chic satin suit were holding on to each other and whispering. Tucking hair fallen from the side, and when checking the color of their lips, the girls were looking at each other many times.
Not only your private life, but also your family life all have to be revealed to the public eye, what does it mean to you?
J: I'm enjoying it. Not everyone has a chance like this, right? Being able to reveal my true self along with my younger sister on a program (Jessica & Krystal) that everyone is able to watch, I think it's lucky and a blessing for me.We, too, doesn't know how we're like, what difference are there when we're together, what similarity are there when we are separated, we're able to see them through this program. Besides, Soojung is a dependable younger sister who I can rely on. We share everything in life, even understanding without speaking out, because of this, I'm even more glad.
K: When I'm with my older sister, I felt happy and comfortable to be able to directly expose myself. Even though I never thought of having the chance to have a same working life as my older sister, but being able to work together leaves many kinds of photos and videos behind, I think those will be good memories in the future. Even so, if I accidentally made mistakes or did something wrong and affects my older sister, thinking it like this, I don't dare to only think of it as a convenience.
What influences has Jessica on Krystal?
K: My older sister is really firm. It's like she's always full of confidence. I think she can be described as being gentle and resolute at the same time. What I really wanted to learn is that firm aspect. I'm always learning, and also being affected by her. On the contrary, I often felt that I'm a younger sister of not much use to my older sister. My older sister is my life's ultimate target. During schooling times, trainee times, after debut, no matter when, my older sister is always guiding me. I felt that thanks to my older sister, we are only able to appear here together now.
What kind of younger sister is Krystal for Jessica?
J: A very dependable younger sister. Soojung has a very matured side of her, and also a side as pure as a child. When I'm distressed and lonely, or upset, she can be relied on, which comforts me. Although I'm always taking care of Soojung, there are actually a lot of cases when it's opposite too. Even though I wanted to be an older sister like a friend, but Soojung gradually becomes my guardian. Without Soojung, just thinking of it in reality makes me feel difficult and sad. I don't want to seriously think about it.
Without special thanks nor especially difficult circumstances, so in the moment of a typical and normal day, they also asked for each other's opinion. During lunchtime, drinking time, strolling time, and also breaks between shooting. Between the sound of the shutters were words spoken by Jessica to Krystal and Krystal's responses. Dull and solely, it was similar to the rhythms of commas and exclamation marks in a conversation, just as normal as asking, "Have you eaten?", yet being able to grasp the feeling of their concern and care towards each other's life. So friendship and kinship, loyalty, and love; these phrases are unable to describe the infinite emotions in them. Even by not saying "I love you", the affection can also be felt, as if the sudden realization of myself breathing.
After Jessica and Krystal's shooting ended, on the way back, we discovered it. Looking at the silhouettes of the ports, mouths chewing on their ice creams, tension between their eyebrows, and the looks of lifting their legs while touching their mobile phones during resting time; all of these moments and their tones as well as expressions from after opening their mouths; even if they aren't habitual, we could still easily pick out the identical parts between them. All of these similarities aren't on their expressions or faces, nor were they on their legs or fingers. It could be felt in the existing space between them. Besides, unseen until now, the world's most beautiful, as resemblance as twins, the lovely sisters who actually miss each other despite being together. Krystal opened her small mouth and said, "I don't envy any other people, I like my older sister the most."
Cr. 饱猫007
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