[MAGAZINE/TRANSLATION] Grazia China September 2022 - Jessica

Pink vs Black

Jessica's private wardrobe often consists of pink items. "Most of the time my clothes are comfortable and soft, so I like pink items." But from the writer's point of view, pink is a fascinating color, despite being soft, it is often hard to miss out at a glance.

Sisters Who Make Waves On Stage and Back Stage

This is just as her existence on "Sisters Who Make Waves". As a participant with the most girl group experience, everyone acknowledged her all-rounded skill in sing-dance. Her competency and professionalism were no doubts the biggest highlight on stage. Other than that, she doesn't hold back to share and pass on her on-stage experience to the other "sisters" back stage. Coming to China this time for the program, it's not just an opportunity for her to live in a foreign country and challenge herself for the first time, but also having to adapt to an environment learning a new culture and language, as well as gaining precious friendships with other sisters.

My Most Perfect Debut Is My Designed Products

Speaking of Jessica Jung other than her performances, it's not hard to mention of her identity as a CEO in the fashion industry. Her personal brand BLANC&ECLARE is like her other "work" and pride. Having established the brand in 2014, the style is minimal yet elegant; this is also Jessica Jung's personal fashion style. The most representative item in her airport and personal photos is that pair of black sunglasses. Back then it was the textbook item that inspires the fashion sense of many girls and what they wanted most.

"I think between music and fashion, from the first thought or idea to the early preparations and later stages, they are very similar. As for music, I need to be on stage (in front of the audience), and as a fashion designer, I'm mostly backstage. My most perfect debut is my designed products."

Denim vs. Gold

Another signature item of Jessica's brand is definitely denim. "I really like wearing denim items, especially blue jeans. I can wear them comfortably for any occasion, they are a perfect match for any item." There is an amicable chemistry between the colour and material of denim with Jessica Jung.

Being a trainee from America in Korea since the age of 12

Having debut as an idol at 19 years old and coming to China this year, this is Jessica Jung's 22nd year in the entertainment industry. She has experienced different environments, stepping out of her own comfort zones every time, challenging different sides of herself. As an artist, her resume is exceptional. Many people would think that for someone like her who stepped in the entertainment industry this young, she would have been radiantly polished, with a glamouring packaging. Whether she's on stage or off stage she has always been showing a kind of genuineness, a kind of coarse "granularity" that is irresistible.

Golden Star

When I asked what color can represent this year, she said gold without a second thought. Firstly it's because her fans are named GOLDEN STAR. Second, her activities in China this year has also become an unforgettable and precious memory. Whether it's Jessica Jung in the eyes of her fans, Jessica Jung on stage, or Jessica Jung being bold to be herself, she will undoubtedly be a shining, never fading gold color. The last summer was just the beginning, and may we anticipate her to bring us more surprises in the future.

All these colors belonging to Jessica and her experience gives to a perfect reflection; and when we get close to her, all those vibrant colors from afar vanishes. She becomes a sheet of white paper, she can be a cold color and can be a warm color, can be pink and can be black, can be coarse and can be shining. No matter what color it is, most importantly, it is genuine.



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